An Innovative Agriculture: Rooted in Traditions and Driven by Science

Technological innovation has led to an agricultural revolution and one of the optimistic outcomes is “Hydroponics”.

Making the best use of this soilless culture, we have state-of-the-art vertical farming technology backed by IoT, Data Analytics, Machine Learning, and a powerhouse of a team working towards one goal – make healthy food accessible to every human being.

Expert R&D team

We have a team of modern farmers who continuously research the quality of our harvest and monitor the complete process. We conduct regular quality tests to check the texture, flavor, quantity, and nutrition of our plants.

Data collection

From seed through its full growth, every plant is monitored. We collect data on the reactions of plants to different conditions and store it for future use. This helps us to control and provide an ideal growing environment to plants like temperature, humidity, and nutrient-filled water medium to get the desired flavor and nutrients from them.

High - End Software

To regulate and automate every step of the procedure inside the farm, we developed our own software. We feed the AI with the data we collect to get a yield with desired flavor, texture, and nutrients. Also, this helps in getting a consistent yield until we want to make any adjustments.

Plant profile

Everybody deserves to know where their food comes from. From the time a seed is chosen, through its germination, the developing phase, and finally, until the plant is ready to be packed and delivered, we keep track of and record the complete plant growth cycle.

Non - GMO Seeds

Every seed is carefully chosen to ensure it’s non-GMO to retain its original genetic qualities. We give our plants an ideal growing environment using hydroponic technology so they can reach their full potential.

Who are we ?

We grow nutrient-rich greens packed with flavor by merging and making the best of two worlds - Agriculture and Technology. Our greens are grown in a state-of-the-art vertical farming system in a controlled environment, so that they are accessible to you all year round, regardless of seasons!